Global Warming

Global warming is a very serious issue. An issue that needs to be stressed and made very aware.But that is just the thing the united states government does not stress it enough.
People should know that the way humans are living needs to be changed , and fast! Industrial evolution has and is polluting and destroying our land. The burning of fossil fuel needs to stop. The u.s government has the facts to prove it , yet does not make the moves in the right direction. All this pollution is going strait into our Eco system.Literally meaning our air, land, and water are getting all the punishment for our actions. We are going to have a dramatic change in our weather if the united states government does not act quickly. Weather storms like Katrina will be an everyday normal storm. And that would only be the beginning.
Global warming is pretty much just what it says global...warming, is the earth's temperature changing (only but a few degrees higher in heat). This starts with our pollution and ends by causing the polar ice caps to melt, which in turn cause the sea level to rise ( which will leave us with little or no land mass.)This is all just one huge spiral going further and further down to disaster.
I believe the u.s government should have global warming at the tops of their lists. Instead of worrying about oil and money. They should look towards the future. One big glitch the government missed is the future is NOW!! Let's get moving in the right direction. Take the necessary obstacles. Lets all think green!

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