Just another Fish in the Sea

Money; What Money!
Our nation is at its decline. We have been for a while. People are losing thier jobs, houses, and money at a rapid rate.I would say to fast to catch up if you ask me. Bush's grand idea on how to fix this rapid decline of our nation's economy; is by giving us money. $600 for one person, $1200 for couples, and $300 for each child. What poeple don't seem to understand is; that money was ours to begin with! Our hard earned money that we will never get to see suppostley going to 'taxes'.He's giving it back to us and basically saying," here, now you can catch up."Catch up, catch up! Our lives are a constant struggle to just make it by. While the 1% of rich poeple get even richer. Personal I am tired of, "just making it."
All in all what i am trying to say is I don't believe that this money is going to help anything! All it going to do is put us right back where we started.


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