Treating Death as a Commodity

Wow! I should have know that is how they make money off us when we die. I would have to say that I believe I look at this topic in the same way Marc Lifsher does. I like the way he starts his story out, " A growing industry involves buying, selling, and profiting from life insurance." That sentence along with his title ( Treating death as a Commodity) pretty much sum up the point this writer is trying to reach to his readers. It seems Marc Lifsher knows how to put this situation it to words. He lets you know what is happening when the buying and selling of life insurance occurs by telling you "Investing in people's lives and collecting on their deaths is a growing enterprise." I can tell how there is two sides to this story. There is Marc lifsher's side, ans the profiteer's side. Because I bet who ever is profiting from this buying and selling cycle does not want to give that money up anytime soon. And from the way things seem to be going that money is going to stay and grow at a rapid rate. One of the men Marc talks about in his story gives himself away. Larry Simon who is a chief executive of San Diego- based Life Settlements Solutions Inc. Sad, "You always get the policy paying off. That's the beauty of the asset." See, Like I was saying some people look at it like an "asset" others on the other hand look at it as treating death as a commodity. So all in all Marc gets his point across with this story. It made me listen and opened my eyes to this growing industry.
I'm on his side!


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