Size Matters

In there is a segment of the Colbert Report called the word-size matters. This brings up the question of wither the winner of our presidential election is determined by how many states they have conquered, or by the size of the state they have won. It is the age old question of quality or quantee. I am going to have to with Mr. Colbert on this one." Barack Obama has a big problem here." He has won many more states then Hilary, yet Hilary wasn't worried about Maryland, Washington, and Illinois. She is worried about Texas! This is because she knows if she wins Texas then is will be winning the election by a long shot. Mr. Colbert found a good way to describe the back and forth argument. "he won 26 states to her 16; he is leading in popular vote." But, it is not how many votes you get, it is the geographic boundaries that contain those votes. Getting ten million votes in one state is way better than getting twelve million votes split between 2 states. If I might recall there is only one more "big" state left to conquer now ,and that is Pennsylvania. If I were Obama I would "pull a Hilary," so to speak and hop on the next flight to Pennsylvania. Right when I get there I would start campaigning, doing speeches, go to school's and talking, set up interviews with popular news broadcasters.Because the way I see it it is this is Obama's last blast. If Obama wins the general election in Pennsylvania he has the potential to turn some of his small states into big states. Yet back to the size. As you can tell I have a definite answer to the question"size matters?" YES!!


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