Asta La Vista ..... baby

Should we stay in Iraq? To me this has one meaningful answer. NO!!! We should have left a long long time ago. Really I don't think there was any "real"reason for us to go to Iraq in the first place.As far as I see it this is a bullshit war about oil money. It should have ended before it began!
I wouldn't say that it is one person's fault. Bush is a good example if you would like to throw a name out there. Although this is mainly his fault; we only have our selves to blame. We elected him as our president. Even though most us don't vote to began with.
This war on "terrorism" has gone on too long. Too many lives have been taken with little or no results. As I can see nothing good has come out of us being in Iraq.
Another thing is it seems they have switched the whole reason we are still in Iraq. We started out over there to get the terrorists who "bombed" our country , and now eight years later. And not to mention billions and billions of dollars spent and made back again three fold.We are still there to help rebuild and stabilize the government and cities. Yet they are getting murdered left and right still. My dad is actually over in Iraq as I speak ;rebuilding the land. Contracting work , try to rebuild the city's one at a time. I have to live in fear everyday for my dad's life. I pray he doesn't get hurt , shot, or even bombed. Personal I want everyone out of there now!
Also one other aspect on the murder is they are murdering themselves more than anyone else. These people were raised and cultured completely different from "the American Dream."They were raised to fight. Fight for the personal beliefs, possessions,and their families.The only way we are going to help these people, and be able to leave Iraq: is to help them help themselves. Everybody get together try to love one another right now. But I know , I know it is way easier said then done!
I believe we need to get out of Iraq we are just making matters worse. I am angry at the situation, but I still believe angry and really violence is not the answer to our problems.Being angry at the terrorists, being angry at bush, being at most people not" really" caring.Growing up we are toughed not to fight to get what we what. It seems most adults need to listen to there own advice they give there kids. This anger and violence is getting us nowhere.
I demand a re vote! Who elected you leader of this outfit, I am voting for yours truly! Peace, love, and unity not war! Lets get out of Iraq!!

Size Matters

In there is a segment of the Colbert Report called the word-size matters. This brings up the question of wither the winner of our presidential election is determined by how many states they have conquered, or by the size of the state they have won. It is the age old question of quality or quantee. I am going to have to with Mr. Colbert on this one." Barack Obama has a big problem here." He has won many more states then Hilary, yet Hilary wasn't worried about Maryland, Washington, and Illinois. She is worried about Texas! This is because she knows if she wins Texas then is will be winning the election by a long shot. Mr. Colbert found a good way to describe the back and forth argument. "he won 26 states to her 16; he is leading in popular vote." But, it is not how many votes you get, it is the geographic boundaries that contain those votes. Getting ten million votes in one state is way better than getting twelve million votes split between 2 states. If I might recall there is only one more "big" state left to conquer now ,and that is Pennsylvania. If I were Obama I would "pull a Hilary," so to speak and hop on the next flight to Pennsylvania. Right when I get there I would start campaigning, doing speeches, go to school's and talking, set up interviews with popular news broadcasters.Because the way I see it it is this is Obama's last blast. If Obama wins the general election in Pennsylvania he has the potential to turn some of his small states into big states. Yet back to the size. As you can tell I have a definite answer to the question"size matters?" YES!!
