
There is a very simple solution to lower gas prices across the country, but no politician is suggesting it. Democrats like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton talk about a "windfall" profit tax on oil companies, while Republicans offer up no viable solution. With gas prices over $3/gallon, the best and fastest solution to reduce the cost is to eliminate the tax.For every gallon of gas you pump, the federal government takes 18.4 cents. Then the state gets a piece of the pie. The worst offending state is New York, which takes a whopping 42.4 cents per gallon. The least offending state is Alaska, but even they take 8 cents per gallon. The combined average tax on the American consumer is 46 cents per gallon. Eliminate the gas tax completely and you will immediately reduce gas prices.Of course we know that politicians would never, ever get rid of the gas tax. Democrats never reduce taxes and Republicans will never bring it up for fear of shining the spotlight on their beloved oil industry.Politicians would rather tax something rather than eliminate a tax. I am a huge fan of Barack Obama, but if he decides to tax American corporations for making a large profit, which is what they're supposed to do, he should have his head examined. The windfall profit tax is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard of. It is anti-capitalism and anti-American. It would set a precedent that allows a politician to decide how much profit is too much, which is a frightening thought. written by:

You have brought up an very important issue for our time. Gas crises. I would have to agree with Elaine.This windfall profit tax doesn't sound like such a great idea.I don't want politicians to decide how much is to be profited.You have got a good idea by saying they should just eliminate the tax. But this is America , everyone is looking for their own personal gain. People can't just give up their free tax money. The way I see it , it just won't happen America was built on taxes, and taxes it will remain. I think the only real solution to our gas problem is to eliminate gas all in all. Find a new energy source. Maybe something that isn't rapping our mother earth!!!!!!

Global Warming

Global warming is a very serious issue. An issue that needs to be stressed and made very aware.But that is just the thing the united states government does not stress it enough.
People should know that the way humans are living needs to be changed , and fast! Industrial evolution has and is polluting and destroying our land. The burning of fossil fuel needs to stop. The u.s government has the facts to prove it , yet does not make the moves in the right direction. All this pollution is going strait into our Eco system.Literally meaning our air, land, and water are getting all the punishment for our actions. We are going to have a dramatic change in our weather if the united states government does not act quickly. Weather storms like Katrina will be an everyday normal storm. And that would only be the beginning.
Global warming is pretty much just what it says global...warming, is the earth's temperature changing (only but a few degrees higher in heat). This starts with our pollution and ends by causing the polar ice caps to melt, which in turn cause the sea level to rise ( which will leave us with little or no land mass.)This is all just one huge spiral going further and further down to disaster.
I believe the u.s government should have global warming at the tops of their lists. Instead of worrying about oil and money. They should look towards the future. One big glitch the government missed is the future is NOW!! Let's get moving in the right direction. Take the necessary obstacles. Lets all think green!

As the Machine Turns

Wow! I couldn't agree with you more Michelle. I don't think I have ever read or heard anyone put this issue ( legalizing marijuana) so bluntly. You got down to the point , yet stated the WHOLE truth. Hands down, best argument yet!! In your face, America.

Asta La Vista ..... baby

Should we stay in Iraq? To me this has one meaningful answer. NO!!! We should have left a long long time ago. Really I don't think there was any "real"reason for us to go to Iraq in the first place.As far as I see it this is a bullshit war about oil money. It should have ended before it began!
I wouldn't say that it is one person's fault. Bush is a good example if you would like to throw a name out there. Although this is mainly his fault; we only have our selves to blame. We elected him as our president. Even though most us don't vote to began with.
This war on "terrorism" has gone on too long. Too many lives have been taken with little or no results. As I can see nothing good has come out of us being in Iraq.
Another thing is it seems they have switched the whole reason we are still in Iraq. We started out over there to get the terrorists who "bombed" our country , and now eight years later. And not to mention billions and billions of dollars spent and made back again three fold.We are still there to help rebuild and stabilize the government and cities. Yet they are getting murdered left and right still. My dad is actually over in Iraq as I speak ;rebuilding the land. Contracting work , try to rebuild the city's one at a time. I have to live in fear everyday for my dad's life. I pray he doesn't get hurt , shot, or even bombed. Personal I want everyone out of there now!
Also one other aspect on the murder is they are murdering themselves more than anyone else. These people were raised and cultured completely different from "the American Dream."They were raised to fight. Fight for the personal beliefs, possessions,and their families.The only way we are going to help these people, and be able to leave Iraq: is to help them help themselves. Everybody get together try to love one another right now. But I know , I know it is way easier said then done!
I believe we need to get out of Iraq we are just making matters worse. I am angry at the situation, but I still believe angry and really violence is not the answer to our problems.Being angry at the terrorists, being angry at bush, being at most people not" really" caring.Growing up we are toughed not to fight to get what we what. It seems most adults need to listen to there own advice they give there kids. This anger and violence is getting us nowhere.
I demand a re vote! Who elected you leader of this outfit, I am voting for yours truly! Peace, love, and unity not war! Lets get out of Iraq!!

Size Matters

In there is a segment of the Colbert Report called the word-size matters. This brings up the question of wither the winner of our presidential election is determined by how many states they have conquered, or by the size of the state they have won. It is the age old question of quality or quantee. I am going to have to with Mr. Colbert on this one." Barack Obama has a big problem here." He has won many more states then Hilary, yet Hilary wasn't worried about Maryland, Washington, and Illinois. She is worried about Texas! This is because she knows if she wins Texas then is will be winning the election by a long shot. Mr. Colbert found a good way to describe the back and forth argument. "he won 26 states to her 16; he is leading in popular vote." But, it is not how many votes you get, it is the geographic boundaries that contain those votes. Getting ten million votes in one state is way better than getting twelve million votes split between 2 states. If I might recall there is only one more "big" state left to conquer now ,and that is Pennsylvania. If I were Obama I would "pull a Hilary," so to speak and hop on the next flight to Pennsylvania. Right when I get there I would start campaigning, doing speeches, go to school's and talking, set up interviews with popular news broadcasters.Because the way I see it it is this is Obama's last blast. If Obama wins the general election in Pennsylvania he has the potential to turn some of his small states into big states. Yet back to the size. As you can tell I have a definite answer to the question"size matters?" YES!!


Treating Death as a Commodity

Wow! I should have know that is how they make money off us when we die. I would have to say that I believe I look at this topic in the same way Marc Lifsher does. I like the way he starts his story out, " A growing industry involves buying, selling, and profiting from life insurance." That sentence along with his title ( Treating death as a Commodity) pretty much sum up the point this writer is trying to reach to his readers. It seems Marc Lifsher knows how to put this situation it to words. He lets you know what is happening when the buying and selling of life insurance occurs by telling you "Investing in people's lives and collecting on their deaths is a growing enterprise." I can tell how there is two sides to this story. There is Marc lifsher's side, ans the profiteer's side. Because I bet who ever is profiting from this buying and selling cycle does not want to give that money up anytime soon. And from the way things seem to be going that money is going to stay and grow at a rapid rate. One of the men Marc talks about in his story gives himself away. Larry Simon who is a chief executive of San Diego- based Life Settlements Solutions Inc. Sad, "You always get the policy paying off. That's the beauty of the asset." See, Like I was saying some people look at it like an "asset" others on the other hand look at it as treating death as a commodity. So all in all Marc gets his point across with this story. It made me listen and opened my eyes to this growing industry.
I'm on his side!


Just another Fish in the Sea

Money; What Money!
Our nation is at its decline. We have been for a while. People are losing thier jobs, houses, and money at a rapid rate.I would say to fast to catch up if you ask me. Bush's grand idea on how to fix this rapid decline of our nation's economy; is by giving us money. $600 for one person, $1200 for couples, and $300 for each child. What poeple don't seem to understand is; that money was ours to begin with! Our hard earned money that we will never get to see suppostley going to 'taxes'.He's giving it back to us and basically saying," here, now you can catch up."Catch up, catch up! Our lives are a constant struggle to just make it by. While the 1% of rich poeple get even richer. Personal I am tired of, "just making it."
All in all what i am trying to say is I don't believe that this money is going to help anything! All it going to do is put us right back where we started.
